Wear Parts for Asphalt Mixers

We produce wear parts for asphalt mixers from highly wear-resistant materials such as:
Chromium and chromium-nickel chilled casting
Metal-matrix composites such as e.g. A.S.S.-compound plates with a high portion of chromium carbides and special carbides.
Very high stresses points can be protected by CC layers, plasma power deposition welding or massive tungsten carbide hard metal.
We pay special attention to wear optimised design of mixing tools, arms and arm-protection elements.
Of course, customer requirements will be taken into consideration in our solutions.
The result leads to a prolonged use of the wearing parts.
Drum fixtures, elevator buckets, wheel loader blades, deposition welding electrodes and wires complete our range of products for asphalt mixer units.
We offer wearing parts for most mixers in the European market.